Range Rover vs Motorcycles

Range Rover vs Motorcycles

It's a nightmare for any driver when you get boxed in on the highway by lots of motorcycles. Watch the video to see when the Range Rover driver gets annoyed in the motorcycle traffic, runs over several bikers, then gets chased and attacked by the two-wheeled mob.



A reader from Jalopnik claims to have been on the road with this group of bikers and reports that they were riding like squids before the video began.P

I saw these guys yesterday, the bikers, and what a pack of assholes they were. Splitting lanes on the highway at speed (70mph between 2 cars), cutting people off. They had me boxed in so I couldn't get out of an exit only lane so they could get off. Not saying they deserve to be hit, but they had it coming.

I had my blinker on and was handsignalling I needed to get out of the exit only lane. everyone kept passing on the left to cut me off in front of the exit, 4-5 of them flipped me off. I tried rolling slow but they had no inkling of how to ride well. I ride myself, and this was just heinous.P

The New York Times published an article on the incident and they revealed three new pieces of information.P

  • The first motorcycle rider hit by the Range Rover got a broken leg (this is the only motorcycle injury the police have information on).P
  • The Range Rover driver has been released from the hospital with lacerations to his face and other bruises.P
  • The Range Rover driver was not charged by the police.P

The New York Post now reports that the driver was 33-year-old Alexian Lien, who did call 911 on the riders at 1:30 yesterday. 

Tags: wreck, range rover, motorcycles

Published in: News

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